Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hannah Jane

As I write this my beautiful Hannah Jane is again in hospital, a few weeks ago she fell ill, it was quite scary, at first they thought that it was possibly HSP, from memory it's a viral thing that can damage the kidneys, then there was the scare that it could be meningococcal also tested for septicemia.  In the end she was discharged, put down to a really bad virus that was going around, she was also unable to walk.  Hannah had the next week off from school. 

Today, Hannah wasn't feeling too well, complaining of a sore stomach, that hurt whenever she moved, so Suzy took her to the Doctor, form there she had to take Hannah to the hospital, now it looks like it is her appendix, at this stage I'm not sure if she is having surgery now or later, just waiting to find out, I do know that she is scared, I'm glad that Suzy is with her to help comfort her, I wish that I could also be there.

I wish I could hold her right now, Hannah Jane, I love you to the moon and back, forever and always, no matter what xxxoooxxx.

Lots of Love Daddy xxx

I've gone through a few photo's to add to this post, a few of my favourites.

It took a few hours to upload all the photo's last night, Hannah was discharged sometime after 11pm last night, however on arriving home became violently ill, so it was back to the hospital, as this was a sign that it was quite possibly a burst appendix. 

 Early this morning I received a call from Suzy with the latest update, the doctors haven't yet ruled out it being her appendix, but seem to think it's related to the virus she had a few weeks ago.

There is a possibility that she may still have surgery however will not be until the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Please keep us informed about our dear girl Darren
    At the moment Mum is driving to Perth to take Gregg to hospital - knee procedure. I will tell her when she arrives
