Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Girls

For the next few posts I'm just going to post some photo's of the girls I took whilst in Toowoomba, love you Kaitlyn, Hannah and Emma xxx
 Mmmmm, Fairy Bread.......

 Special treat, doughnut with chocolate icing and mini M&M's
 Kaitlyn and Emma
 All three of my special girls, Kaity Koo, Hannah Jane and Emma Louise
Gorgeous smile from Emma 

Love my big sister......

Beautiful Smile Hannah.......

Saturday, April 27, 2013

More Buddy

As I mentioned previously, Buddy loves the rain, especially when his holes fill with water.
He really is a funny boy.... 


 Buddy my friend I miss you as well....


Someone I haven't written about yet is Buddy.... Our dog....  To be honest I didn't really want another dog after Julie passed away, the girls really wanted a puppy, and I suppose I was talked into it.  Along came Buddy.  He has been a great mate, I took him to obedience school, he did do pretty well, however he is easily distracted, as I used to find out when we went jogging together, he was my jogging partner, he loved going for a run.
Whilst in Toowoomba I got to see my Buddy boy, I could tell he recognised me, he was so excited.  He is just the most well natured dog, and just craves attention, loves the rain and digging holes, playing in muddy puddles.


As you can see he loves his soccer ball, he loves any ball, as long as someone is willing to kick or throw one he'll play all day, a beautiful well natured friend.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Rainy Day Fun......

On one of the days I had the girls it was just bucketing down, Hannah was having a play date with one of her little friends.  We discovered that there was a brand new indoor play centre in town, not usually a big fan of these, however we needed to get out of the house and do something fun, Kaitlyn was awesome in looking after Emma, making sure she was safe and had fun, I sat and had a coffee and read the paper, also keeping an eye on my 2 girls.

 Big sister making sure little sister is safe, boy they had some fun, well Emma did that is for sure.

Just getting off the topic slightly, one thing about doing this blog, is for some reason, it is no easy process adding photo's, it's probably something I am doing wrong, I just can't seem to get them to sit where I want them too, so frustrating....... Grrrrr......

Again, it is not doing what I want........
Anyway, you can see that Emma had a ball......

Not long after this, Emma announced that she had too do a wee, wee.... Oops, I just realised that I had left the nappy bag at home, it was off to the toilet, quickly, she was wearing special knickers that soak up most of it.  Disaster averted, all good, after that she decided that she wanted to go in the play pen with the other little one's, Kaitlyn was having a well earned break.... I looked over to Emma, she was standing in a most familiar way, face was going red, semi squatting..... Bugger, she was now doing a poo.....  I ran and scooped her up, quick check of the knickers confirming my worst fears, no nappy bag and it was now on it's way out, time to leave, the only problem was, Emma did not want to leave, so a massive tantrum took place, outside we went, into the pouring rain, to the car, off with the knickers, by now it was all out, I'm so glad it was solid...... Emma was still screaming, was not getting into her seat, so that took some manoeuvring to get her in, then a quick drive home, shower, and change, that was just me, hahaha, well Emma joined me.......

Emma Loves Corn.......

I think the photo's will speak for themselves, little Emma is not a fussy eater at all, she never was, of course there have been a few occasions where she hasn't liked something, but generally she has been our best 'eater' yet.......
She can demolish a whole corn on the cobb herself, and will want more.

How cute is she??? Way too cute I think.....

Indoor Picnics and Fun

As I have said before the weather was a little bit all over the place, so on those days when we didn't get to the park, we had indoor picnic's together, we went to the shops and the girls picked a few things that they would like, lots of fun.
I like Sarsaparilla, Kaitlyn and Hannah do not, I was told that Emma doesn't like it either, I beg to differ, the evidence is clear, she loved it, could not get enough of it.
Emma doesn't mind a little Nutella on a spoon, a habit she has picked up form her big sisters, as you can see she really does love being with her 2 big sisters, Emma has a small spoon with a little Nutella on it.
I think they are watching Brave, I'm sure this is a movie that Grandma took them too see at some stage.
The girls did eat healthy meals quite often whilst with me, there is nothing wrong with a treat every now and then, I am also very strict with the brushing of teeth. 
Sorry, I got side tracked, back to indoor picnics and fun.
Hannah just loves the 'little red sausages' so we had them for one of our picnics.

Fun at the Pirate Park

The weather whilst on holidays was a bit all over the place, it started off quite warm, then all of a sudden it started raining and got a tad cold, then it would warm up again.  On some of the nice warm days, the girls and I took advantage and visited some of the many parks in Toowoomba, one of our favourites is the Pirate Park, as the girls call it.  It has a 'Pirate Ship', the girls love it, also a climbing wall, Hannah scales it with ease, Emma also enjoys it, she did throw a paddy when I wouldn't let her climb to the top though.

Kaitlyn and Hannah having some fun after our picnic lunch and feeding the ducks...

As you can see, Emma enjoyed the climbing wall, I of course had to help a little.  Kaitlyn was the photographer.....