Well, I thought I would add some various photo's of some of the locals around town, and some of the amusing things I have seen when working.
Tripod, the Dingo with three legs.
Knife we confiscated one night, there is a good story to go with this, maybe another time.
Dugon head, apparently tastes good when boiled.
Pet baby sea turtle, was kept in someone's bath.
Emu Chick
My little mate, just wanted a cuddle....
Few of the local girls.
This snake didn't really like being picked up, don't worry was only a python.
My boys.... They come into the station almost every day, at the station we sell soft drinks, chocolates etc to the locals, these little boys hardly ever have money, I usually give them a chocolate or a Funny Face (icy pole) for free.... They are cool little kids, these boys call me 'Dad Darren'.....