Sunday, December 30, 2012


Those that really know me accept me for who I am, that I'm generally a quiet person, who doesn't say alot. However those persons do know, that even though I don't say alot, or display alot of emotion at times, do know by my actions that I do love and care for them.  

This Blog is primarily for my girls to read and follow at their leisure, as most of the time over the next year or so it will be a story of my time whlst stationed at Mornington Island, Queensland, Australia.

Beautiful Emma Louise, isn't she just perfect....
I always tell my girls whenever I speak to them, just how much I do love them, and do miss them. Whilst I was still at home, they were told this by me every day, and every day they got a cuddle, sometimes due to my work schedule, they were asleep when they got this kiss and cuddle but they always got one, regardless, no matter what. In fact, it was my favourite time to give a kiss and cuddle, they looked so peaceful, I could watch them for hours sleeping.......

I'm not much of a writer or a talker, I pretty much keep alot of my thoughts to myself, this usually means that some things are bottled up inside. Sometimes this is an advantage, sometimes not, it probably didn't help at times with my marriage, I should have opened up more than I did, it is one of my regrets, maybe things might have been different, maybe not, I can't turn back time, if I could alot of things would quite possibly be alot different.  I do not regret for one second my three beautiful daughters, I love them, I want them, and always will.


G'day I’m Darren. Single Daddy to Kaitlyn, Hannah Jane and my little Emma Louise, the three most beautiful, awesomest girls in the world. I love them all to the Moon and back, Forever and Always, No matter what and that is the truth.

I decided to name this blog Single Daddy as my life changed dramatically in July 2012, that was the month I became a Single Daddy. Anyway, as a result I moved away from my girls, for personal and work reasons, I hope they understand why I have made this move and don't hold it against me, I want this blog to be a record of my new life, for my girls to look at and see what their Daddy is doing, so they know that I am always thinking of them and that I love them very much, that each and every day I long to hold them again, talk with them, play with them, to hold a hand, wipe away sad tears.

I want them to know that this is a temporary move, I will come back, to be there for them whenever they need a Daddy cuddle, my leave priority will always be about coming back to my girls, and spending that precious time with them, I can't wait to see them again.